Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Post

A first post for my brand-new blog. Why have I created this blog? Here are some things I'm hoping to get out of it:

- Meet new friendly intelligent people
- Support for and from other people who love their sexuality
- A venue for me to explain any BDSM, sexuality, or feminist related frustrations in a clear way.
- A way to be open about my sexuality in an appropriate setting. Sometimes I want to talk about it but most places I do not feel it is appropriate to talk about it (work, class, family, etc.)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi, ggg_g. I've secretly always had a fantasy about being a blog's first commenter. Oh yes. Just thought I'd stop by to stay hello.

  2. Well the honor goes to you! Thank you for stopping by. I will post more after my finals are finished next week.
